4. Jacobian IK and Control

This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook that can be run locally The notebook can be found in the examples directory of the package. If the notebooks are missing, you may need to run using Pkg; Pkg.build().

In this notebook, we'll demonstrate an extremely simple approach for computing basic inverse kinematics (IK) and controlling the position of some point on our robot using the Jacobian transpose.

For a brief technical introduction, see https://groups.csail.mit.edu/drl/journal_club/papers/033005/buss-2004.pdf or https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~todorov/courses/cseP590/06_JacobianMethods.pdf


using RigidBodyDynamics
using StaticArrays
using MeshCat, MeshCatMechanisms, Blink
 Activating environment at `~/work/RigidBodyDynamics.jl/RigidBodyDynamics.jl/examples/4. Jacobian IK and Control/Project.toml`

Fix the random seed, so we get repeatable results

using Random

First we'll load our double pendulum robot from URDF:

srcdir = dirname(pathof(RigidBodyDynamics))
urdf = joinpath(srcdir, "..", "test", "urdf", "Acrobot.urdf")
mechanism = parse_urdf(urdf)
state = MechanismState(mechanism)
Spanning tree:
Vertex: world (root)
  Vertex: upper_link, Edge: shoulder
    Vertex: lower_link, Edge: elbow
No non-tree joints.

Now we choose a point on the robot to control. We'll pick the end of the second link, which is located 2m from the origin of the lower_link body:

body = findbody(mechanism, "lower_link")
point = Point3D(default_frame(body), 0., 0, -2)
Point3D in "after_elbow": [0.0, 0.0, -2.0]

Let's visualize the mechanism and its attached point. For visualization, we'll use MeshCatMechanisms.jl with Blink.jl.

# Create the visualizer
vis = MechanismVisualizer(mechanism, URDFVisuals(urdf))

# Render our target point attached to the robot as a sphere with radius 0.07
setelement!(vis, point, 0.07)
MeshCat Visualizer with path /meshcat/world/upper_link/lower_link/after_elbow/<element> at http://localhost:8702

Open the visualizer in a new Blink window:

# open(vis, Window());

Create a MechanismVisualizer:

mvis = MechanismVisualizer(mechanism, URDFVisuals(urdf));
┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in your browser:
└ http://localhost:8703

Inverse Kinematics

First, let's use the point jacobian to solve a simple inverse kinematics problem. Given a target location desired expressed in world frame, we want to find the joint angles q such that the point attached to the robot is at the desired location.

To do that, we'll iteratively update q by applying:

\begin{align} \Delta q = \alpha \, J_p^\top \, \Delta p \end{align}

where $\alpha$ is our step size (equivalent to a learning rate in gradient descent) and $\Delta p$ is the error in the position of our target point.

function jacobian_transpose_ik!(state::MechanismState,
    mechanism = state.mechanism
    world = root_frame(mechanism)

    # Compute the joint path from world to our target body
    p = path(mechanism, root_body(mechanism), body)
    # Allocate the point jacobian (we'll update this in-place later)
    Jp = point_jacobian(state, p, transform(state, point, world))

    q = copy(configuration(state))

    for i in 1:iterations
        # Update the position of the point
        point_in_world = transform(state, point, world)
        # Update the point's jacobian
        point_jacobian!(Jp, state, p, point_in_world)
        # Compute an update in joint coordinates using the jacobian transpose
        Δq = α * Array(Jp)' * (transform(state, desired, world) - point_in_world).v
        # Apply the update
        q .= configuration(state) .+ Δq
        set_configuration!(state, q)
jacobian_transpose_ik! (generic function with 1 method)

To use our IK method, we just have to set our current state and choose a desired location for the tip of the robot's arm:

set_configuration!(vis, configuration(state))

Choose a desired location. We'll move the tip of the arm to [0.5, 0, 2]

desired_tip_location = Point3D(root_frame(mechanism), 0.5, 0, 2)
Point3D in "world": [0.5, 0.0, 2.0]

Run the IK, updating state in place

jacobian_transpose_ik!(state, body, point, desired_tip_location)
set_configuration!(vis, configuration(state))

We asked for our point to be close to [0.5, 0, 2], but since the arm cannot move in the y direction at all we end up near [0.5, 0.25, 2] instead

transform(state, point, root_frame(mechanism))
Point3D in "world": [0.5000119896268409, 0.25, 2.002359458411753]

We can try varying the target and watching the IK solution change:

qs = typeof(configuration(state))[]

Vary the desired x position from -1 to 1

for x in range(-1, stop=1, length=100)
    desired = Point3D(root_frame(mechanism), x, 0, 2)
    jacobian_transpose_ik!(state, body, point, desired)
    push!(qs, copy(configuration(state)))
ts = collect(range(0, stop=1, length=length(qs)))
setanimation!(vis, Animation(vis, ts, qs))


Now let's use the same principle to generate torques and actually control the robot. To make things more interesting, let's get the end of the robot's arm to trace out a circle.

circle_origin = SVector(0., 0.25, 2)
radius = 0.5
ω = 1.0  # radians per second at which the point should move in its circle

using GeometryTypes: Point

# Draw the circle in the viewer
θ = repeat(range(0, stop=2π, length=100), inner=(2,))[2:end]
cx, cy, cz = circle_origin
geometry = PointCloud(Point.(cx .+ radius .* sin.(θ), cy, cz .+ 0.5 .* cos.(θ)))
setobject!(vis[:circle], LineSegments(geometry, LineBasicMaterial()))
MeshCat Visualizer with path /meshcat/circle at http://localhost:8702

This function will take in the parameters of the circle and the target point and return a function we can use as the controller. By wrapping the construction of the controller in this way, we avoid any issues with accessing non-const global variables.

function make_circle_controller(state::MechanismState,
    mechanism = state.mechanism
    world = root_frame(mechanism)
    joint_path = path(mechanism, root_body(mechanism), body)
    point_world = transform(state, point, root_frame(mechanism))
    Jp = point_jacobian(state, joint_path, point_world)
    v̇ = similar(velocity(state))

    function controller!(τ, t, state)
        desired = Point3D(world, circle_origin .+ radius .* SVector(sin(t / ω), 0, cos(t / ω)))
        point_in_world = transform_to_root(state, body) * point
        point_jacobian!(Jp, state, joint_path, point_in_world)
        Kp = 200
        Kd = 20
        Δp = desired - point_in_world
        v̇ .= Kp * Array(Jp)' * Δp.v .- 20 .* velocity(state)
        τ .= inverse_dynamics(state, v̇)
controller! = make_circle_controller(state, body, point, circle_origin, radius, ω)
ts, qs, vs = simulate(state, 10, controller!);

Animate the resulting trajectory:

setanimation!(vis, Animation(vis, ts, qs))

Now we can plot the behavior of the controller. The initial state is quite far from the target, so there's some significant overshoot early in the trajectory, but the controller eventually settles into tracking the desired circular path. This controller isn't very well-tuned, and we could certainly do better with a more advanced approach, but this is still a nice demonstration of a very simple control policy.

using Plots: pyplot, plot

xs = Float64[]
zs = Float64[]

# Downsample by 100 just so the plot doesn't become a huge file:
for q in qs[1:100:end]
    set_configuration!(state, q)
    p = transform(state, point, root_frame(mechanism))
    push!(xs, p.v[1])
    push!(zs, p.v[3])

plot(xs, zs, xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(1, 3), aspect_ratio=:equal, legend=nothing)

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